How do I send you my ashes?

Please place the ashes in a ziplock bag, labelled with your name and order number. Use a tear-resistant envelope and we encourage using a service like ExpessPost that includes a tracking number and guarantees delivery within a week. 

Please Ship to:




If you use regular post, please be aware that it cannot be tracked if it goes missing and that it can take up to a month to arrive.

How much ash do I send?  What happens if you don't use it all?

Please send 1 teaspoon per piece.   This can be placed all in one bag. We will use a light dusting of the ash in the work as the glass can only handle so much before it risks cracking.  All unused ash will be returned to you with the work.

What colours are available?

The whole rainbow is available.  If you see a colour on the website, you can probably get it in the piece you are ordering.  If you don't know what colour you want, we might suggest your loved one's favourite colour, or birthstone, or the jersey colours of their favourite sports team, or your favourite colour or a colour you associate with them.  If you really can't decide, RAINBOW is a perfectly valid colour scheme.  We can approximate many colour requests; birthstones, jersey colours, tartan colours, a pet's coat or eye colours. Pleas note that the colour palletes for the hot sculputral glass and for the jewelry and beads is different. Different glass, different chemical formaulas, different colours. Click here to view some colour samples for hot sculpture. Click here to view colour examples for beads and jewelry


Some designs are not open to colour variations due to colour chemistry. If there is a colour requested that may not be 100% beautiful, the artist will be in contact.

Can you use my pet’s ashes?

Yes we can work with the ashes of anyone you send us whether person or pet

Can you make custom designs?

It is unlikely that we would be able to make you a design that is very different from what we have developed. 

That said, it is always worth asking; we might be working on something you might be interested in. designs we present here have taken years to perfect.  The artist gets an idea, then spends many hours in the glassblowing studio working out all the details and solving the problems and in some cases learning new skills, then practices making the design until it can be made well and consistently. 

Can you put the ashes of more than one person or pet into the same piece?

Yes.  We sift the ashes together and they are picked up to make one swirl in the glass; we are not logistically able to create two separate swirls within one piece.

How do I know it's my ashes?

We understand the trust and responsibility you’re placing with us to handle your loved one's ashes. With the utmost care and respect, we follow a strict protocol for labeling, filing and handling all cremains.

If I drop my ashes off to you  while I am in Canmore on vacation, can I pick up my completed order before I leave?

Many factors determine the completion time of your order.  These include the quantity and sizes of pieces ordered, how many orders are ahead of yours in the production queue, the artist's schedule, the equipment maintenance schedule, and acts of god. 

If you are planning a trip to Canmore and you know what you want to order, we suggest you mail us your ashes 6-8 weeks prior and we will do our best to have your order ready for you to pick up during your visit.  Alternately if you want to take advantage of your visit to come in and look at our samples in person, we will mail your order to you when it is completed.

If I send you ashes, can my family members place their own orders with you using the same ashes sent?

Yes.  Please send us a quick note to let us know to expect additional orders to go along with ashes you are sending us. 

Note: that it is our policy to return the unused ashes to the individual who provided them once all the orders are complete, unless we have received instructions otherwise from that person.

Can you make this design by other artists?

For legal and ethical reasons, we will not reproduce other artists’ work. We respect and appreciate the appeal of unique glasswork but will only create work that has been designed by the artist at Fireweed Glass Studio.

Do you offer a quantity discount if I order more than one piece?

We do our best to keep our prices reasonable and fair.  As each piece is made one at a time by hand to order we are not able to offer quantity discounts.

Are there any regulations sending this across the border?

There are no restrictions sending cremated ashes across the Canada/US border.  You do have to declare cremated ashes on the customs form, include clear labeling inside the parcel or envelope, and ensure it can be seen in x-ray.  "Importation of Cremated Human Remains Into Canada 9. Cremated human remains, because they do not pose a quarantine risk, do not require a death certificate. However, it is recommended that when transporting the cremated remains that the importer should carry a copy of the death and cremation certificate and ensure that the remains are in a container that can easily be scanned (e.g., cardboard, wood or plastic)." If you are sending ashes to other countries we advise that you contact that country's consulate to find out what their policies and regulations are.

USPS requires ashes to be mailed via Priority Express International Service.

“451.22 Cremated Remains

The following applies when mailing cremated remains (ashes):

  1. Domestic: Permitted for cremated human or animal remains only when sent via Priority Mail Express service. The identity of the contents should be marked “cremated remains” (Label 139 preferred) on the address side of the mailpiece. The item must be packaged as required in 451.3b and Packaging Instruction 10C.

  2. International: When permitted by the destination country, cremated remains may only be sent via Priority Mail Express International service. Mailers must verify that the destination country accepts Priority Mail Express International and cremated remains prior to mailing. The contents must be indicated on the applicable customs declaration form. Label 139, Cremated Remains, may optionally be applied to the address side of the mailpiece. The item must be packaged as required in 451.3b and Packaging Instruction 10C.”

If you choose to send ashes via a courier other than USPS be advised that any brokerage and duty charges will be billed back to you.

Why don’t you offer free shipping?

We realize everyone has become accustomed to free shipping on web orders and would love to be able to offer this service. However as a micro-business we do not have access to the kinds of shipping discounts available to larger companies. Shipping costs vary depending on the number pieces in the order and the destination, and many of our customers pick up their orders at our studio in Canmore. We are committed to offering fair prices for our work. If we were to include shipping costs it would substantially increase our prices. We have opted instead to ask our customers to pay for the cost of shipping their own unique order.

Will you be sending me a collection kit?

We do not send out collection kits and this is not included in the price of the items, for much the same reason as why we don’t include shipping in our prices. We have found that most people are able to find themselves two ziplock bags and an ExpressPost envelope a lot more affordably than we can send this out. Also, we are not able to provide a return envelope to someone outside of Canada. If you would be more comfortable if we send you a collection kit and you are located in Canada you may request one from us by emailing We charge for 2 ExpressPost envelopes, Regional or National depending on your location. Currently this cost is $32 for Regional (BC-Manitoba) and $52 for National (Territories and Ontario-Newfoundland). These prices are subject to change without notice.